Community Conversations: Pinch of Sugar

Welcome to Community Conversations with Pinch of Sugar! We visited virtually with Charlotte Olsen, owner of Pinch of Sugar to chat about how she got started, what makes Pinch of Sugar so sweet, and what struggles they've faced during the pandemic.

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Watch Jim's interview with Charlotte Olsen of Pinch of Sugar

Pinch of Sugar

Jim Shaffer and Associates is a proud member of the Woodward Corridor Community and we love to put the spotlight on our neighborhood community partners. Meet Charlotte Olsen, owner of Pinch of Sugar!

Starting with a background in Culinary Arts, Charlotte started her DIY cookie decorating company right in the middle of the Covid Pandemic! She was looking for something to do while her son napped and since she had a love of baking, Pinch of Sugar was born!

She offers monthly themed cookie kits which include 8 homemade sugar cookies (themed for the month) with 3 bags of buttercream frosting and 3 containers of various sprinkles. It's packaged beautifully in a box, perfect for gift giving, or to take home and enjoy yourself! It's been the perfect activity for families, couples for date night, grandparents, and anyone who loves eating cookies!

Charlotte offers traditional sugar cookies as well as vegan and almond free. She is currently working on perfecting a gluten free one as well! You can order the kits on her website! She has recently started doing custom orders for parties and events too!

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