Simple Holiday decorations in 2021

By: Mark H. Stowers

Holidays are filled with joy and fun and laughter and oh – decorations. There are boxes and boxes stored away filled with generations of memories and special keepsakes and even a plethora of newer holiday decorative items to choose from. But it’s been a long year and finding those boxes and digging through to find what you’re looking for just isn’t bringing out the holiday magic in you. Here are our tips on simple ways to decorate for the holidays in 2021!


Why not keep it simple this year with decorating? With a few targeted and concentrated items, you can still have a home that spells out holiday cheer big and bold. Let’s start with the obvious – your Christmas tree. Go with a monochromatic color scheme. All gold or all silver makes a holiday statement. Or your tree can be more neutral so you don’t have to worry about balancing out the rest of your home or living room.

Take a look at the mantle. It can sing with holiday cheer, just don’t get cluttered. Hang garland, use candles and light them at night for an unforgettable holiday feel and scene. Hang those stockings with care but not too close together. A little space adds breathing room for your brain to take in.

The dining table is always a focal point – filled with holiday favorites both old and new. Add a touch of garland with a table runner to kick things off. Fresh flowers add to the décor and you can even get black butcher paper to use as a tablecloth. But it’s functional as you can draw and even make creative name plates for each guest. And when it’s all done, just throw it all away for an easy clean up.

Maybe take your ornament pile and divvy them up this year for the family. There’s just not enough space to use them all each year and you’ll be spreading holiday cheer and passing on traditions. The holidays are a special time to give and hopefully relax. Don’t make decorating the end all purpose of the season. Less is always more and is always more relaxing and not overwhelming when entertaining or simply siting down to enjoy your own home.

Happy Holidays and keep it simple and enjoy those around you.


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