Check out what’s happening in your neighborhood. From homes for sale to businesses and everything in between, there is something for everyone in Allen Park, MI!
Allen Park was incorporated as a city in 1957, and is home to some major Detroit-area corporations, including the Ford Motor Company and the Detroit Lions. Ford Motor Company has many offices and facilities within the city limits, and provides employment to many of the city's residents. Similarly, the Detroit Lions house its team headquarters within the city limits of Allen Park.
Known for its tree-lined streets and brick houses, Allen Park is a great place to live if you are looking for employment in the auto industry. A fun fact is that the Uniroyal Giant Tire, the largest non-production tire scale model ever built, and one of the world's largest roadside attractions has been in Allen Park since 1966.
If you want to call Allen Park home, reach out to us to get started today!